How can I confirm my booking?
Your bookings get confirmed once you provide the deposit to Travel Tycoons so then you will be assigned with a unique reference number and as soon as you will be assigned with the reference number, your booking status will be confirmed. On contacting Holidacious, you will need to quote the booking reference number to ease the identification. Before departure however, we recommend that flights are reconfirmed to avoid any issues.
How can I book an e-ticket?
On the airport, you will need to show a copy of the confirmation email sent by Travel Tycoons along with a copy of your valid passport and an e-ticket will be issued to you.
How to cancel a booked holiday package?
A cancellation request can be sent to info@traveltycoons.co.uk via email or over the telephone at 020-8090-4740. If a payment for a booking has not been received within 72 hours, it will be cancelled automatically.
When and how do I expect to receive my ticket(s)?
Tickets are sent via courier services. In the UK, our customers are more likely to receive tickets via Registered Mail. For these services, a signatory must be present or else, the ticket will have to be picked up from certain location which will be told if a signatory is not found. Keeping ID card along will be important in this case. All throughout the world, UPS is commonly used for ticket delivery while for Heathrow and Gatwick airports, Personal Collection is used. Tickets can be received within 7 days of booking but if the margin of 7 days is not available, the ticket will be sent within 24 hours on urgent basis.
What is baggage allowance?
Also often known as hand baggage allowance and cabin baggage allowance, this rule varies airline to airline. Please consult the airline company of which, you are using the service, to find the weight of hand baggage allowed.
Can I book flights for other if I myself am not traveling?
Yes, you can surely book flights for others. The procedure is all the same. However, we will need to make a confirmation in this case and for that, you will be directly contacted. Until you confirm, a reservation will not be made.
How early do I need to book a flight before traveling?
You can make a booking up to as much as 11 months in advance.
What about refund enquiries?
Depending on the case, refunding process may take as less as 10-40 days or as much as 12 months. The consolidator and the involved airline company reserve full right to review the case before refunding. In most general cases, refunding charges £5.00 per passenger.
What is the difference between a direct flight and a non-stop flight?
In direct flight, a plane usually lands on an airport for refueling and does not permit any passenger to get off the plane but if we talk about Indirect or connecting flight, the plane lands on some intermediate airports for refueling and also allowing its passengers to get off the plane and then plane takes off after a certain break time. A non-stop flight however, flies without any stop from one airport to the other and does not stop even for refueling.
What is the difference between scheduled and chartered flights?
Scheduled flights go from United Kingdom more than once a week at set times and are handled by airline companies. Chartered flights on the other hand, are chartered by Holidacious and are cheap but then, few facilities. In such flights, planes are often small with smaller foot rooms and seats that are comfortable and convenient.
Is it important to have the corrections made if the name is spelled wrongly on the ticket?
Yes, indeed it is very important to have the name changed if misspelled since people with varying information on passport and tickets and often not allowed to travel. To avoid any problems on the airports, it is a good option to keep all documentation organized well.
Are last minute reservations appreciated?
Last minute reservations are more often than not, unavailable and of at all they are available they are very expensive. Hence, it is a good option not to go for last minute reservations versus booking as early as possible.